Do you often forget where your stuff disappear or you lost too many things or you find it difficult to locate important stuff when in need. Let's agree that we all not do very well when it comes to organising our stuff and putting the right things at right place. Well, worry no more. This app is designed to help you remember where your belonging are. Just click the picture, tag the photo and find when ever you need it again. We believe that a picture will get you faster to locate the items that you don't use on day to day basis but couldn't find when in need. So don't worry where you left the Screw driver after using it last time or where your documents are. You can very well forget about those and let the app handle it for you but don't you dare to forget to make the entry in app. It's forbidden and you will be punished. Just kidding. But do make sure you click the pictures and save the data so that you can just open up the app again, type in what you are looking for, check the picture an go get it. As simple as that.
Note:- The app doesn't require internet and hence none of your data is saved anywhere except your own phone. Don't lose you phone.
What's next:1. Export the content so you can change the phone and yet have the data with you. It will be manual process.2. Share the image with friends/family so they can find it when you are away3. Tag location to image so that you find your way to a local cuisine or restaurant or a beautiful scenic place.